Sunday, September 30, 2007

"Driving Miss Daisy"

Shot of well-known Ms. Michael Learned ("The Waltons" in the '70s) playing "Daisy", and Mr. Lance Nichols as "Hoke", the chauffeur.

This is a show I designed concurrently with "A Thousand Clowns", but thankfully "Clowns" wrapped up first. I started designing Daisy, and am going for a paper-doll design concept, which basically means the characters do not change their basic first costume, but instead, would be changing accessories. So this sketch is Daisy's only dress that she will wear throughout the play, and I will post the accessory changes later.

To show Brian the sketches though, I have tracing paper laid over the original "doll" to show the progression of the changes.
Here are the sets of sketches for Daisy:

And some nice production shots!

Sketches for Hoke (including the basic costume):

Last but not least, the beautiful set by John:

Another really nice review from Steven Stanley of

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lovely drawings dear, and good thing with all those different looks you're only changing accessories! I did that tracing paper technique once too and it was pretty fun (not to mention a lot less work!).